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Sunday, July 6, 2008

For the Birds

A classic doll gets her Hitchcock on, and I decide to get experimental. To find out what the hell I'm talking about, click on through to the other side.

Mattel is releasing a Barbie doll based on the Hitchcock classic, The Birds, later this year. Someone at Mattel should be commended for this, because it's an inspired choice. Finally, there will be a Barbie doll that pleases everyone, those that want to see her in glamorous outfits and iconic scenarios and those that want to see her get her eyes pecked out. I also can't help but think that Hitchcock would wholeheartedly approve. After all, Barbie would make a great Hitchcock blonde, the kind of woman with which he seemed to be obsessed in his films. Maybe in the future we'll get a Barbie on Mount Rushmore, a Barbie falling off a church (with spiral effects, of course), or Barbie in a shower getting stabbed by Ken in grandma drag. The possibilities are practically endless!


I've decided to experiment a little this week with the blog. All week long, I'll be posting items that I find elsewhere and I think deserve a little attention, and I will, of course, be making my own comments on them. They'll be short little posts for the most part that I'm going to try to make throughout the day each day of the week. I don't want my five loyal readers to get too excited as I don't know if I'll continue that way, but we'll see how it goes. Anyway, I hope that everyone in the U. S. had a happy holiday weekend! 'Til next time, which shouldn't be nearly as long as usual.

Recommended Song Download: Let's Just Get Naked - Joan Osborne